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Disordered & Restrictive Eating - Webinar 2

Join us for our regular monthly webinars on the first Thursday on most months at 8pm (Melbourne time).  Sign up at the bottom of the page for updates.

In this webinar...

Bobbi was joined by our Paediatric Dietitian, Kiri Woodington, who specialises in disordered and restricted eating related to autism and sensory processing disorders. Kiri shared some great insights and strategies that you will find really helpful.

Good News!

Paediatric Dietitian, Kiri Woodington, who specialises in disordered and restricted eating related to autism and sensory processing disorders will be increasing her days with us from the first of July 2022. You can now start the intake process to work with Kiri. Contact us to get started.

Problem Eater
Eat less than 20 foods.

Picky Eater
Eats more than 20 foods but is still very limited.

Avoidant Food Restrictive Intake (AFRI)
They won't eat and will start themselves.

Why are children with disabilities more likely to have disordered and restrictive eating?
We assume that eating is a natural skill. However, our children learn to eat. There are 32 steps in eating. Children with disabilities don't learn at the same rate as neurotypical children and learning to eat is something they can struggle to learn. It all comes down to choking and self-safety and can create fear of food. When we don't get on top of this fear, it can create metaphobia - fear of vomiting.

Under the NDIS, there is no benefit to getting diagnosed as it is classed as a medical issue even if it arises from.
However, there are some line items that allow you to get support for your child.
From Core support 01_760_0128_3_3 - Dietitian Consultation And Diet Plan Development
From capacity building daily living 15_062_0128_3_3   - Dietitian Consultation And Diet Plan Development
(This is as of May 2022)

Need Help?
Kiri is currently taking new clients in person and on zoom. You can contact us to book an appointment. 

Other Webinars in this Series

Please see our other webinars in this series:
See Disordered Eating Webinar 1

See Disordered Eating Webinar 3

Audio Only

Listen to the audio recording of the webinar.

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Professional Development Questions

If you would like a certificate of attendance for attending or watching this webinar, please email the answers to these following questions to


  • What is the problem between a picky eater and a problem feeder?

  • What is the first step to successful eating?

  • What does ARFID stand for?

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